Sunday, February 24, 2013

It's going to become *that* kind of blog... I'm so sorry...

Emails I send my gent:

in less than 10 minutes i picked a wedding dress and a hair style for said wedding.

what wedding you ask? my wedding that doesn't even exist.

what is my life?

i need a job before you leave me because i'm mentally insane.


Because I've been too lazy...

All you get now are couple of photos of what I've been up too.

Airplane view

Oh the tube 

Natural Museum of History

British Museum

Never not in a trench, stripes (my fav colour) and chucks

If you can afford them...lovely! 

Be correct in the City

Ohhhhh! There it is! 

China Town

Engineering is a fantastic thing, isn't it?

But where is Watson?

I'm so vain

For the gent (I ate those Fox melts though...)

Camden Town! This was so much fun! 

Haven't been up to much, have I? Help that most of the museums are free. Helps a lot actually.

Saturday, February 02, 2013


Little did I know 5 years ago when I went to university, like all the other kids my age, that it wouldn’t be the beginning of a joyful easy life. You know when you’re little and everyone asks you what you want to be when you grow up? Well I wanted to be an architect. Not necessarily the kind that draws houses or buildings, but the kind that works to make the world a better place with intelligent urban planning. 5 years of university were not easy. It took a great lot of patience, long nights and a lot of $$.

In July of 2012 I gave in my master’s thesis and now I was ready to take over the world! What nobody had anticipated was that the world didn’t need me. Or any other of my colleagues for that matter. “The economy is in the dumps” was the most heard justification from all the architect offices I applied too. They were letting off staff not contracting. And those who were, wouldn’t pay you. I tried that. Working for no pay or an amount that didn’t even cover your expenses. I didn’t enjoy it, it was a bitch to get up every morning, spend the day in an office (that didn’t even have natural lighting) and leave at the end of the evening with not a single penny in my back account. It wasn’t for me. Call me what you want.

What to do?

I set a limit date. If, until the end of the year 2012, and if the Mayans predictions didn’t go as they thought, I would have to leave my home, the love of my life, my family and my adorable puppies. It was something that I didn’t want to think about but well… Guess where I am now?

On an air plane, heading to London. The city I grew up in.

SO, this lovely blog will be pretty much about that. Want to find out how one comes to find a job in architecture in a city “slightly” bigger than the biggest city in my country? I’ll see what I can help you out with. Also, there will be .gifs…

But first and foremost, there are two things that you can’t go without: courage (all of it) and a mighty big box of Kleenex.

Here we go.